When quality journalism thrives,
society benefits.
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That's why we partner with the news industry to support a thriving journalism ecosystem through our products, programmes and people.

Reaching new audiences

With people across the globe watching authoritative news content on YouTube every day, our products help news organisations reach and engage with new and existing audiences.

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Building sustainable businesses

Making quality video news content takes work, so we collaborate with news organisations to help build sustainable digital video business models.

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Growing digital newsrooms

We offer programmes, training and resources to help news organisations harness the latest technology and techniques for growth on the platform.

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Fostering informed viewers

We’re committed to working alongside the news industry to help foster an informed citizenry. That’s why we offer a suite of products and tools to provide viewers more context so they can make well-informed decisions about the world.

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Getting started

As part of our efforts to support news creators on YouTube, we made a range of tools and resources available to assist you in creating and growing your YouTube channel.

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Connect with us
Sign up to get the latest information on news updates, programmes and how we can work together to create a thriving news industry.
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