Funding programs
We’re committed to helping news organizations build sustainable business models and reach new audiences, all while adapting to the ever-changing digital landscape. To help achieve this, we’ve launched a series of programs to support the strategic growth, scaling, and revenue sustainability of our news partners.
We’ve seen a growing number of reporters, like HugoDécrypte, publishing independently and successfully reaching new audiences. Because of this, we launched a creator program in August 2021 to help journalists thrive independently and sustainably on YouTube. The program includes trainings, grants, and dedicated partner support to give this new generation of independently publishing reporters the tools needed to succeed on YouTube.
As part of the Google News Initiative’s $300M commitment to help journalism thrive in the digital age, we launched the Sustainability Lab. In this cohort-based Lab, we worked closely with 65 partners to build, test, and scale new business models across the three themes: advertising revenue, user revenue, and cost savings.
In addition to the Sustainability Lab, we also launched Innovation Funding in partnership with the Google News Initiative. We provide funding across 20 global markets to support news organizations in building sustainable video operations. Provided on an application basis to news organizations of all types, these grants enabled our partners to build key capabilities, train staff on video best practices, enhance production facilities, and develop formats optimized for online video.